Garden Science
The Garden Science program at ECC is parent volunteer run for grades Kindergarten- 3rd grade. Once a month for an hour, each class is able to get hands-on experience in a large garden where two seasonal crops of vegetables are grown each year.
Through simple lessons, students plant, and harvest, learn about composting, soil and decomposers such as worms. Garden Science helps students increase their eco-literacy and awareness of nature. We have a library of books that also promote kindness and generosity in the garden. One favorite lesson is creating a salad for their teacher from what’s growing in the garden.
Students often sample vegetables and herbs in the garden such as kale, chard, lettuce, beans, broccoli and mint. If they are able to pick the food they are happy to eat it. Each month students also taste seasonal produce through a program called Harvest of the Month where simple recipes introduce children to a different fruit or vegetable. Over the past two years some of the tastings have been cabbage, sweet potatoes, grapefruit, seasonal berries, dried beans and spinach. These tastings are often the first introduction to these foods and the kids love them.