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Falling Into Routine

Dear ECC Families,

Welcome to week seven! Just as predicted, things are starting to settle down a bit as we fall into new routines. Now, more than ever, it is important to establish rituals that will carry your family through the demands and rigor of the Common Core. By that I mean, the back to school assessments are usually wrapped up by now and teachers start to dive into the “meat” of their coursework. Even in kindergarten, students may start to feel pulled by the expectations imposed by learning new and involved topics. So, what is important at this time is a regular bedtime, sitting at the family table to share a meal each evening, and a dedicated quiet time together to regroup and relax at the end of a long day. We adults need it just as much.

Conferences are scheduled for the week of October 13-17 and each day that week will be an early dismissal at 12:45. Please note that change on your family’s calendar. You should be hearing from your classroom teacher to pick a date and time for your 20-30 minute conference. Here are a few ideas on what to expect at the conference:

  • Expect to have a two-way conversation- where both parent and teacher talk and listen. You will be provided with samples of your child’s work and this should prompt discussions as to progress and academic standards. It is also the time for you to share what your child is like at home and needs that you may have to best support your child.

  • Opportunities and challenges- just like you, teachers want your child to succeed. You will hear areas of strengths and weaknesses. Be prepared to set goals for your child.

  • Support learning at home- Ask what you can do at home to help your child learn. Ask how the teacher will support, encourage and challenge at school as well. Keep in mind that the best outcome for the child is always when you see the teacher as a part of your team.

  • Follow up- Write down the things that you and the teacher agreed to do to support each other. Make plans for future discussions and the best way in which to communicate. Make a plan that works for both of you. Finally, share with your child what you learned and praise the positives and talk about how you will work through the challenges together.

Looking forward to a fabulous fall at ECC,

Carrie Brown

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