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A Week of Wellness and Kindness

Dear ECC Families,

“In about the same degree as you are helpful, you will be happy”

Karl Reiland

This week brought us the Annual ECC Wellness Week, a time filled with a focus on diet and exercise. The PTA, under the guidance of our Health and Wellness Chairperson, Colleen Schlosser, planned an array of healthy activities including food tastings each lunchtime and physical fun at lunch. Thanks to all who helped to make this possible for our children.

Kindness has been our focus for the past few weeks and I have enjoyed selecting and sharing quotes on kindness each morning during announcements. I am pleased to say that some of our students have found me and shared their own thoughts on kindness. I am always thrilled when someone listens! Just thought you should know you are raising incredible kids!

I look forward to seeing the Variety Show tryouts next week at lunch and know we are in for another great show this year. The Spelling Bee is right around the corner and that means that we are officially moving into the 2nd half of our year! Yikes! See you at the Spirit Assembly tomorrow.

Happily here,

Carrie Brown

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