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Begin Everyday with a Smile

“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing; the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” ~ Viktor Frankl from Man's Search for Meaning

Dear ECC families,

Each morning, I start out our school day with words of wisdom. The message below is one that I want to share with you, as it encapsulates so much of what I try to impart to our children at ECC.

Viktor Frankl is the poster child for the admonition that we MUST recognize the fact that we have responsibility to choose how we respond to any given situation. He is a man who lost his entire family and barely survived the horrors of the Nazi concentration camps of World War II, developed the philosophy, in the midst of the most brutal experience any human being will ever go through. If he can choose his attitude in his situation, we can choose our response too.

What’s bothering you? You have a headache? The kids are arguing with each other or you? You got a speeding ticket? Of course, any and all of the challenges we face in our day to day lives can bring us turmoil, but NEVER forget that, ultimately, how you CHOOSE to respond to the challenge is your choice.

OWN your attitude. CHOOSE how you will respond to any given situation. My recommendation is to flip the situation and to think about all the things you are grateful for. Received a speeding ticket? Be grateful that you have a car. The kids are arguing? Be grateful they’re healthy enough to make so much noise and honor them for the growth you all experience together.

Begin and end every day with a smile- the choice is yours!

Ms. Brown

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