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Three "Be" Rules

Dear ECC Families, Thank you to those of you who attended Back to School Night. Our goal was to provide important information to make the school year easier for all of you. Tomorrow is our first Spirit Assembly at 8:00, followed by our Volunteer Training Meeting and PTA General Meeting, featuring Dr. Tim Baird, Superintendent of EUSD. The Spirit Assembly will be held outdoors in the lunch area and the other meetings will be in the auditorium. Then, at 5:00 in the lunch area, we will celebrate with our Dads’ Club Annual Ice Cream Social. Although it is a busy schedule, all of these events are important and I hope you can attend. Also, I want to sincerely thank the families who took the time to return our first day packets. The information is pertinent to managing many areas of our school. So much goes on behind the scenes to keep us running and most of the power is generated by parent volunteers. From the families who maintained our garden over the summer, to the volunteers who helped out with the Kinder Social, First Day packet assemblage and sorting, it truly takes a village! This year, we are focusing on three “Be” rules to simplify discipline and behavior expectations. We have introduced, Be Safe, Be Responsible and Be Respectful. I like to think that these rules translate into adult behavior as well. For example, be safe as you drive through the parking lot at drop off and pick up. Arrive early so you will not have to speed, be respectful of traffic volunteers and student safety patrol, by following their gestures and moving forward so as not to hold anyone up. Be responsible by checking backpacks each night, communicating with teachers and supporting the policies of our school. Remember that you model everything for your child, in voice and action. Together, and with respect, we can leave each child with a memorable seven years at ECC. See you at the Ice cream social, Carrie Brown

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